Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 years old!!

Happy Birthday Emily!! Hard to believe that you are 3 years old. I am so proud of you. You are a sweet little girl and good at sharing. you do however have your moments when you would rather keep things for yourself rather than share. You like to help others and are the first to get a blanket for your brother or sister if they fall asleep and do not have a blanket. You like to help around the house, but are not too excited when it comes time to tidy up. Today was spent playing at home with your new toys and going to a place that you could play games and win tickets, which you cashed in to pick out a candy necklace and a yellow smiley face bouncy ball. Your cake had 3 ducks on it and you were given a train set, a tu-tu, a purse and a toy birthday cake set. You have been really good at sharing all of your gifts with your brother and sisters. I look forward to seeing what your next year holds for you!!
Mmmmmm, frosting!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow, she looks old! You are such a great cake decorator.
